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The Truth Is Out There

Local artist Louis Jones sued, basically put everything on the line, to get credit for his work from the makers of the film, What Dreams May Come,  whose stunning scenes the artist claims came from art he created years ago. But before the case went to court, Jones settled for an undisclosed sum and more […]

Portrait the Artist as a Young Father

Hot summer nights we’d lie in the cool grass of our front yard and watch the sky. Every shining star a miracle and a friend to us. The lightning bugs would do their best to mimic the twinkling and do their own “dance of light” to our delight. We’d collect them in a Mason jar […]

When Dreams Turn To Nightmares

The stunning visuals in What Dreams May Come, the $75 million version of the afterlife committed to celluloid, were so poignant that it won a Best Visual Effects Oscar. Artist Louis Jones knows their power. He calls them three years of his best work, images he painted to be book-cover art. But when Jones saw the […]

Film purloined paintings, artist’s $1 million suit says

Like most moviegoers, artist Louis Jones was blown away by the grand, ornate scenes in Robin Williams’ recent movie, “What Dreams May Come”. Unlike most moviegoers, Jones left the Columbus Movie theater in Virginia Beach aghast by what he saw-majestic visions of heaven that looked a lot like paintings Jones created a few years earlier. “It was […]

Illustration a Winner for Local Artist

When local artist Louis Jones was asked to paint an image full of moody realism for the cover of a metaphysical book, he wondered if he should even bother. After all, he figured, he could put his time toward other paintings which would surely be more profitable than the sum offered up-front by the small […]